Archangel Michael Protector Of Peace by Brita Lee

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ARTIST NOTES: Archangel Michael is a protector and defender, said to be one of the three Archangels along with Gabriel and Raphael. He holds a sword (I took the sword from the Sword of Solingen in Germany) in his right hand to defeat evil, and a trumpet in his left to sound a warning. I visualised him standing on the planet from space (he is very big!) keeping watch ready to help our Earth if threatened by war and conflict. As with my Gabriel picture, I took a photograph of the original painting, created a background, and then had a canvas print made. There is only one print with this background and I am keeping the original painting. He is dressed as a Roman soldier which is often how he is traditionally depicted.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 90.00 cm X Width - 60.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Other Medium on Stretched Canvas
GENRE Humanity
REGISTERED NRN # 000-2065-0193-01


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Artist: Brita Lee


M.A., Visual Arts,The Flinders University of South Australia. Thesis on Contemporary Indonesian Art of Yogyakarta. Awarded Asian Studies Research Grant to research in Indonesia for one year, 1991.

Advanced Dip. Arts, Visual and Applied, North Adelaide School of Art (now named Helpmann Academy. (Painting, Figure Sculpture)

Workshops: Royal Art Society, Sydney, portrait painting. Adelaide Central School of Art, Life drawing. Marco Luccio, Melbourne, drawing. Andrew Tischler, painting. 

Sold work internationally and in several states of Australia, through exhibitions and private sales.

Studio/gallery in Melbourne Australia.
